Sports Injury Management
What is sports injury management?
Australia is a sporting nation. And with all that activity comes injury from impact, overuse, or force greater than the threshold of the body’s structure.
The 2 types of sports injuries are acute which occur suddenly, such as sprains, strains, and fractures. The other type of sports injury is chronic, and this is the result of continuous overuse or impact of muscles, joints, tendons, or ligaments.
Whether acute or chronic, pain should not be ignored as it often leads to more serious conditions that could be avoided.
Why do I need sports injury management?
People get injured all the time, but often, many people push through the pain and leave their injuries untreated. If the injury happens to be a bone break, sprain, or ligament damage, leaving them untreated can lead to more serious health consequences.
The compounding effects of these untreated injuries can be avoided by seeking medical attention from a professional.
What can I expect from the SIM treatment?
During the initial consultation, the injury will be assessed, and a need determined for imaging including x-ray, ultrasound, and MRI. Once a diagnosis is made a treatment plan and rehabilitation program are designed.
Treatment modalities include the use of weight relieving Cam walkers, Shockwave therapy, exercise programs and orthotics.
Prevention is best determined by looking at all factors that can be changed and may have contributed to the injury. These can include appropriate footwear, training methods, poor foot mechanics and muscle tightness and weakness.
A rehabilitation program will be designed using Physiapp. The patient receives the program on this app which enables video demonstration of the exercises and the ability to log and track progress.